Diplom Betriebswirt, MBA Michael Döring. Michael Döring. michael.doering@w. thm.de. 0641-309-2726. C50 2.02. nach Vereinbarung per Mail
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Education. Diplom Informatiker, MBA jakub-unucka-vzdelani-MBA-diplom. Ing. Jakub Unucka, MBA. Diplom ze studia v MBA kurzu. S vyznamenáním.
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Samtrafikens Utvecklingschef Marcus Weiland får diplom för bäst resultat under MBA. Samtrafiken i Sverige AB Centralplan 3 111 20
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If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The Mini-MBA is designed for: People who want to get a foundational understanding of the world of business and lay the perfect foundation for their career path. Managers who want to become knowledgeable in a variety of business-related areas in order to advance in their careers. Participants without a degree, but wishing to complete an MBA Program information in detail Please find the complete information (curriculum, faculty etc.) about the Diplom BetriebswirtIn (Certificate Program in Management) on our German website mba-diplom.com is hosted in Russian Federation and is owned by Protection Of Private Person. mba-diplom.com was created on 2008-12-08. Website IP is With more than 2400 alumni, ZSEM’s community is continuously growing. In 2013, ZSEM earned its AACSB accreditation, thus joining the elite group of 5% of the world’s business schools that hold this prestigious accreditation.
Tento program MBA realizujeme v České republice jako tuzemská součást zahraniční vysoké školy.